International rules of organization and holding of Kurash competitions

Adopted by the First Foundational Congress of the IKA on September, 6, 1998 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Author: Komil Yusupov

1. Only the team chief, coach or representative has the right to directly address to the Chief Referee and his/her deputies.

2. Team chief is responsible for wrestlers uniform, their well-timed coming on gilam (tatami) and for general order.

3. Team chief also participates the drawing together with the Chief Referee and other referees.

4. During the fight team chief should be on spot, specially allocated for him/her.

5. If team chiefs or coaches have referee license, they also have the right to be a referee on competition.

6. Team chiefs having infringed the above-stated rules, are dismissed from their post and the appropriate organizations should be informed about it.

7. During the fight team coach may be in spot, specially allocated for him/her or near gilam (tatami) on distance not closer than 2 meters.

8. Team coach can come nearer to the wrestler in case of wrestler’s injury when the wrestler is receiving medical aid from the doctor, but the coach must obey the instructions of referees or arbitrator.

9. If team coach does not observe the above-stated rules, the arbitrator can require the Chief Referee deputy to give the coach a caution DAKKI!. If it is repeated, the Chief Referee deputy gives a caution GIRROM! and may dismiss the wrestler from fight. 

1. Participants of one weight category are weighted on the same day, on the same scales, two hours before the competition.

2. The weight-in should proceed no more than one hour.

3. At weight-in wrestlers should have their identification cards.

4. Without being weighted a wrestler is not admitted to competitions.

5. During weight-in wrestlers should wear only shorts or swimming trunks.

6. At weight-in of wrestlers, there should be a commission composed of the Chief Referee, the Chief Referee deputy, secretary, medical staff member, 2 or 3 referees. After weight-in, surnames of wrestlers are written in the minutes of scaling.  

1. Age and weight categories for male players:

1. Children (4-7 years) – 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, +19 kg

2. Children (8-11 years) – 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 33, +33 kg

3. Children (12-13 years) – 33, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 65, 70, +70 kg

4. Cadets (14-15 years) – 38, 42, 46, 50, 55, 60, 65, 71, 77, 83, +83 kg

5. Juniors (16-17 years) – 42, 46, 50, 55, 60, 65, 71, 77, 83, 90, +90 kg

6. Seniors (18-35 years) – 60, 66, 73, 81, 90, 100, +100 kg

7. Veterans (age groups:36-45, 46-55, 56-60, 61-65 years and above) – 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, +95 kg

2. Age and weight categories for female players:

1. Children (4-7 years) – 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, +17 kg

2. Children (8-11 years) – 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 27, +27 kg

3. Children (12-13 years) – 30, 33, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 57, +57 kg

4. Cadets (14-15 years) – 33, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 57, 63, +63 kg

5. Juniors (16-17 лет) – 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 57, 63, 70, +70 kg

6. Seniors (above 18 years) – 48, 52, 57, 63, 70, 78, 87, +87 kg

3. Irrespective of the weight category, youths and adults can (with the sanction of the Chief Referee) participate in competitions in absolute weight category. 

1. Males:

from 4 to 11 years — 2 minutes of pure time

from 11 to 16 years — 3 minutes

from 16 to 35 years — 4 minutes

from 35 to 56 years — 3 minutes

from 56 years and above — 2 minutes

2. Females:

from 4 to 16 years — 2 minutes

from 16 to 35 years — 3 minutes

from 35 years and above — 2 minutes 

1. The participants of competition are required to have the following:

a. identification card, above mentioned uniform, document verifying wrestler’s class;

b. team application, permission of doctor with a seal. All these documents are examined before the competition by credentials committee and are approved by the chief doctor and members of committee. The chiefs of teams are responsible for meeting conditions and requirements mentioned above.

2. With the sanction of the Chief Referee, youths (16-17 years) may also participate in adults competitions. 

3. Wrestlers competing in one weight category are not permitted to participate in another weight category, but they may wrestle in absolute weight category with the sanction of the Chief Referee.

The participants of competition should observe the following rules:

1. greet one another by a bow before the beginning and after the end of the fight.

2. observe all Kurash rules and rules of competition.

3. obey the referee’s instructions.

4. behave correctly during competition.

5. if referee calls a wrestler, he/she should immediately go to the designated place. 

1. In Kurash wrestlers wrestle according to the adopted rules. Methods are evaluated by referees.

2. if wrestlers have equal appraisals than victory is given according to the last appraisal.

3. if a participant has an appraisal and a caution, the appraisal has advantage.

4. if wrestlers got equal number of cautions, victory goes to wrestler who got caution first.

5. competitions are conducted according to the knock-out system without repechage fights.

6. in Kurash a method, begun inside the gilam (tatami) and finished outside the gilam (tatami) line is evaluated as well.

7. The IKA shall follow the regulations and requirements set by the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) in terms of fight against doping. The use of any substances designed to artificially increase the performance of an athlete and those in the list of prohibited substances set by the WADA shall be strictly forbidden by the IKA.

8. Participants of the IKA’s official events shall not oppose Doping control testing.

9. The decisions concerning penalties for doping abuse shall be based on the international anti-doping regulations and shall be made by the IKA’s Directing Committee. 

to spread hands on the level of shoulders with palms turned upward, then, bending hands in elbows to join the fingers before oneself with palms turned downward «TAZIM» is the command for a bow of the wrestlers one to another, with right hand on the left breast.
to hold out a straight hand before oneself, the palm should be opened and thumb should be directed upwards «KURASH» is the command for beginning the fight.
to raise a hand forward parallel to gilam on altitude of shoulder, with a palm turned forward, the palm should be directed to the stop-watch referee «TOKHTA» is used to stop a fight.
4. KHALOL (pure victory)
raise a hand high above head, with palm directed forward
The arbitrator announces the appraisal in case if the throw on back is done by a beautiful and accurate motion. This appraisal is awarded:


1. for two throws evaluated by YONBOSH appraisals;
2. if after the grid the opponent falls on his/her back (on both shoulder-blades);
3. after announcement of «GIRROM» punishment.
4. for a throw evaluated by YONBOSH, and the opponent has caution of DAKKI.
5. for not coming to gilam (tatami) in 3 minutes.

to raise a hand on the level of shoulder, with palm turned downwards
This appraisal is given:


1. when wrestler made a throw by a strong, sharp, beautiful motion and opponent falls on his/her side;
2. after the announcement of DAKKI caution to the opponent.

to raise a hand, bent in elbow, so that the thumb is on the level of the shoulder, the palm is open and is directed forward, the elbow is taken aside This appraisal is given:


1. if a wrestler throws the opponent on thigh, buttocks, belly or side, but with serious technical errors, slowly and inaccurately;
2. if TANBEKH caution is announced;
3. CHALA appraisals, irrespective of their quantity, could not be transformed into another appraisal.
4. if both wrestlers have several marks of CHALA the victory is given to one who has more marks of CHALA.

to point at the participant with a forefinger
TANBEKH is announced to the participant, who made minor violations:


1. the wrestler, running away in purpose, does not let the opponent catch him/her;
2. the wrestler pushes in purpose the opponent out of gilam or himself/herself runs beyond the dangerous zone of gilam;
3. the wrestler disorders in purpose his/her clothes (unties or reties his/her belt, trousers without the sanction of the arbitrator);
4. the wrestler grips opponent’s trousers or legs;
5. after a grip, the wrestler does not make attacking actions during 10-15 seconds.

to raise a hand, bent in elbow, clenched in fist, with fingers turned forward, and the elbow thus is taken aside
DAKKI is announced to the participant, who made a medium violation, or has already received a TANBEKH caution:


1. for repeated intentional falls on knees;
2. if the wrestler does not follow the arbitrator’s commands, talks or cries out obscene expressions.

to hold a hand, bent in elbow, being before oneself with a palm, directed towards one’s body, then by a sharp motion to straighten the hand towards the punished participant
GIRROM is announced to the participant, who made a serious violation, or has already received a DAKKI caution:


1. for obscene cries or gestures during the fight, offensive to opponent and referees;
2. if a wrestler is injured by fault of the opponent, he/she receives a KHALOL appraisal and the opponent receives a GIRROM caution.

to wave twice or thrice a straight hand, held out before oneself BEKOR command is used to announce a throw without result.
11. JAZO
In case if by half time of the bout none of players have any score or penalty, the center referee shall stop the bout and announce the “Jazo”. When the “Jazo” is announced, the center referee shall rise his right arm up with fingers fisted-in and say loudly “Jazo”.
1. “Jazo” shall be announced only once at a bout. If during “Jazo” players perform a technique and both fall on the Gilam similarly at the same time, “Jazo” shall be carried out again.
2. When “Jazo” is announced the corner referees shall check the yakhtaks of the closest players respectively. The center referee shall call the players to the center of the Gilam. The players shall grip on the belt of the opponent (right hand under the left hand of opponent, left hand over the right hand of opponent) and once the center referee announces “Kurash”, they shall start action. The distance between two arms gripping the belt shall be 20 centimeters. Head of players shall be parallel to each other. The players must be upright. Chests of the players must be in touch. Any bending and avoiding gripping is strictly prohibited and shall be punished by the referees immediately.
3. The players should perform a technique in 5 seconds. The player eluding from fighting or purposely falling on knees shall be given “Tanbekh”. If any of the players purposely releases the belt grip trying to avoid being thrown the referees shall give “Girrom” after discussion with corner referees.
4. If during the “Jazo” a player gets “Khalol”, the bout is finished. If any player gets “Yonbosh” or “Chala” ot any penalty, the bout shall be continued in normal Kurash without belt gripping with remaining time of the bout.
12. VAKT
to cross both hands above the head with palms directed downwards VAKT command is used to show the end of the fight. 

Notes: Gestures are shown with right and left hands according to color of yakhtak of wrestlers standing on two sides of Arbitrator. When showing the gestures Arbitrator stands still in the center of carpet and should announce the corresponding commands with a loud voice. The appraisals and cautions are announced with (10,5,3,1,0) numbers but they are not made up.

1. Grips of trousers of the opponent. 2. Application of methods, which may cause dangerous injuries. 3. Application of painful, strangling techniques.