On , February 19, the General Meeting of the Kurash Association of India was held.
The meeting was attended by members of the association’s General Body and heads of state Kurash federations, as well as representatives coaches, and athletes.
The event was held by the- KAI with the presence of First Vice-President of the International Kurash Association, Chairman of the Kurash Association of India Jagdish Tytler.
The activities of the association were analyzed at the meeting. The successes achieved and other points discussed regarding last World Championships .
At the end of the meeting, the organizational issue was considered.
Ramesh Popli, who has been the president of the Indian Kurash Association since 2019 to the present, handed his resignation, due to an increase in the volume of his work not related to Kurash activities.
Mr. Dharmender Malhotra, who until now held the position of Treasurer of the Kurash Association of India, was recommended by Mr. Tytler for the post of president of KAI and was unanimously approved for this position
The head of the Maharashtra Kurash Federation, Mr. Ankush Nagar,will replace him as the treasurer of KAI.
IKA General Secretary REZA NASSIRI was invited via Zoom to give a closing speech at the end and he said that the International Kurash Association expresses its gratitude to Mr. Ramesh Popli for his contribution to Kurash, and for his outstanding services and wishes the best to the new leadership and hopes that good collaboration will continue as before with KAI.
Change of leadership of the Kurash Association of India (KAI)
20 February 2023